Below are some common questions about obesity and its treatment based on the hundreds of people we have treated. If you have any further questions, please arrange a free, no obligation consultation below.
What is obesity?
Obesity is a chronic complex condition which results in the body’s inability to maintain a ‘healthy’ weight. From a medical perspective, obesity is used to describe someone who has a ‘Body Mass Index’ (BMI) of greater than 30. BMI takes into account a person’s weight in relation to their height with a normal BMI being between 18.5 and 25.
Obesity can have a number of effects on your physical and mental health. It is strongly associated with the development of conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, arthritis, cancer and infertility to name but a few.
Our understanding of this condition has changed considerably over the recent years. There are many factors, including individual and environmental causes, which contribute to obesity and these are not be the same for everyone. Obesity does not develop because of ‘eating too much’ and ‘not exercising enough’. Play the video to get a better understanding of the causes of obesity.
Do I qualify for weight-loss surgery?
In the UK, guidance regarding suitability for weight-loss surgery is set by NICE – the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. More recently (October 2022), the International Federation of Surgery for Obesity (IFSO) have updated their advice. The guidelines are as follows:
- If your BMI is 35 or above, you can be considered for weight-loss surgery whether or not you also suffer from obesity related conditions such as type-2 diabetes or high blood pressure.
- If you suffer from medical conditions linked to obesity such as type-2 diabetes or high blood pressure, the BMI threshold for weight-loss surgery is lowered to 30 or above.
- If you have failed to lose weight through non-surgical approaches, the BMI threshold for weight-loss surgery is lowered to 30 or above.
When discussing bariatric surgery, other factors such as ethnic background are also taken into consideration as eligibility criteria may be lower.
What are the different types of weight loss procedures?
There are many different types of weight-loss procedures. Mr Alkhaffaf offers all the well-established procedures for weight loss allowing you to have a procedure which is suited to your needs. These include:
- Gastric balloon
- Adjustable gastric band
- Sleeve gastrectomy
- Gastric bypass (both ‘full’ roux-en-y and the ‘mini’ single anastomosis bypass)
How successful is bariatric surgery?
Bariatric surgery is the single most powerful available tool that can result in significant, sustained weight-loss and reversal or improvement in many weight-related medical conditions. The definition of ‘success’ depends from person to person. Whilst for most people weight-loss is the primary goal, for many, improvement in or reducing the risk of developing weight-related medical conditions is the priority. Realistic goals and expectations will be set during your initial consultation with Mr Alkhaffaf.
What are the benefits of Weight Loss Surgery?
There are many reasons to consider bariatric surgery. Whilst for many, losing and keeping off a significant amount of weight is the most important reason to consider surgery, there are a number of other reasons including:
- Improving physical health
- Improving mental health
- Reducing the risk of developing medical conditions. Common conditions linked to obesity include
- Diabetes
- High blood pressure
- Heart disease
- High cholesterol
- Cancer
- Joint and back problems
- Breathing problems such as sleep apnoea
- Polycystic ovary syndrome and infertility
- Liver disease
- Depression and anxiety
- Heartburn and acid reflux
- Improving overall quality of life
- Extending life-expectancy
- Improving energy levels
- Improving self-confidence
- Addressing fertility issues
Play the video for a better understanding of the benefits of bariatric surgery.
Is Weight Loss Surgery Safe?
Bariatric surgery is very safe. It is performed using keyhole (laparoscopic) surgery techniques which means that you can be discharged home with minimal pain and in most cases after just one night in hospital. The risk of serious complications such as death is extremely low (less than 0.2%) and much lower than many other operations performed today.
During your preparation for surgery, Mr Alkhaffaf will explain all the associated risks and arrange further tests if necessary. All patients undergo a thorough pre-operative assessment by our trained experts. Following surgery, you will be looked after by our experienced team of bariatric nurses and dietitians. Certain medical conditions such as sleep apnoea will require you to be admitted to a high-dependency unit for added safety.
What is the best procedure for me?
No two people are the same when it comes to deciding about weight-loss surgery. Choosing the right option for you depends on many factors including your BMI, age, medical conditions and personal circumstances. Mr Alkhaffaf will guide you through the decision-making process and give you the reassurance and peace of mind you need before you begin your journey.
Click here to view the treatment comparison chart we have developed to help you understand the differences between the established procedures we offer.
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